Orange peel into powder

What do you do with your orange peel? ⁣
Did you know the skin has more phytonutrients, flavonoids and fibre than the fruit inside? This makes it packed with antioxidants, vitamins and anti-inflammatory properties. ⁣

Here are some ideas on what to do with your orange peels! ⁣
1. Make a tincture and keep for days you feel a cold coming on.⁣
2. Infuse in some apple cider vinegar for an all-purpose house cleaner.⁣
3. Or my favourite, dry the skins and turn into a powder and use as a face mask or cleanser. The vitamin C really brightens up my skin and is a much cheaper and more stable alternative to expensive vitamin C serums on the market.


If you are considering turning the humble orange peel into a powder, keep in mind organic is best as there will be less pesticides and nasties absorbed into the skin. There are at least three easy methods to turn into powder, whichever one you opt for, make sure the skins are as dry as possible after peeling —no need to wash. Excess moisture is what can cause the skins to mould so pat with a kitchen towel. Then spread out the peels so they don’t touch.

Method one. Leave to dry in a sunny spot for a few days until crispy. Many do this but not my favourite as sun can reduce the vitamin C and other constituents.
Method two. Leave to dry in a dark, cool well-ventilated area. Takes longer than method one but worth it.
Method three. Use a dehydrator or dehumidifier overnight, turning once or twice. I do this. I got myself a little dehumidifier and haven’t looked back since.

Once the orange skin is bone dry, you can put in a blender/ coffee grinder/ mortar and pestle and grind into a power easily. Store in an airtight container what you don’t use. When you’re ready to make a mask or cleanse, take about a teaspoon and rub into a wet face! I mix my powder with a bit of oil to form a paste and if I am feeling fancy, I will add a drop of honey too.

How to turn orange peel into powder