One of the most potent medicines in the world. And the best way to take her is in powdered form, which makes it easy to incorporate into your daily diet, especially if you are always on the go.
The iconic Asian fungus commonly known as reishi (in Japanese) or Ling Zhi (靈芝 in Chinese) has been respected for centuries and is becoming more popular due to clinical trials and research conducted to validate what some have known for years; that reishi is pharmaceutical rather than nutritional.
There are several properties and constituents in reishi, including but not limited to polysaccharides, triterpenoids and peptidoglycans, which may be responsible for its health benefits, such as:
Increasing immunity
Simulates autophagy and can reduce cancer risks
Great for memory and supporting brain function
Optimising digestion
Supporting the liver and kidneys
Unlike most herbs, reishi powders very well without losing its medicinal value. Reishi is extremely bitter tasting which I love, but is also versatile when cooking. Can be used as a soup base, stirred in with your morning coffee, in hot chocolate, made into biscuits and cakes, or my personal favourite, added into a smoothie to start the day.
So much can be said for reishi and here we have only scratched the surface, but it is hopefully enough to get you curious about this fungal friend.
Making a bitter reishi drink. Excellent to take before a meal to get the digestive tract going!
Add some berries because why not?
I stick with oat milk and coconut water
It will make you wince, bitter and delicious!